Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Anwar is telling his listeners he would win the coming general election comfortably. He is now telling his listeners that there must be a smooth transition of power handing over.

But wait a minute! The electoral roll is supposed to be flawed, the BN is supposed to plan to cheat, so how could the Pakatan Rakyat be winning? Oh that line is supposed to come when the BN wins.

If BN wins, it means cheating. If PR wins, the rolls are clean. PR has also won in FT, Penang, Kelantan, Selangor and Kedah.

You removed the crosses from all the mission schools as Education Minister and the churches/Christians think you are the Saviour now! You tried to close down the Chinese schools and the DAP now tell their racist listeners that you are the greatest Malay leader.

During the financial crisis, you wanted the IMF to come in and you wanted to increase the interest loans, you almost kill all the Chinese businessmen, until Dr Mahathir stopped you, but many Tan Sri and Datuk Chinesemen, who benefited, are now hero worshiping you!

You delivered khutbah in mosques, showing off your Arabic and acting religiously but you love to screw China Dolls and Thai women, and yet many Muslims still think you are Super Holy! You got to be incredible lah.

Well, if Anwar sees a red and says it is blue, his brain fried supporters will believe him. If he says jump, they will jump. Good luck Malaysia!

We can be sure Anwar will ask his supporters to go to the streets when the results showed that the majority of Malaysians prefer to stick to the BN.

Bro, we know your script well. But your supporters from PKR, PAS and DAP will buy the excuses that you will give.

You can count on Malaysiakini, Ong Kian Meng and Merdeka Center to do the propaganda for you.

Gua Caya Lu lah bro Anwar. Memang hebat!

    Rajesh Calais Margaret are you saying that Anwar is still relevant? He is already a liability and got serious credibility problem bringing PR down along with his tainted image.
    12 hours ago · 

  • Court Margaret he is still active with his propaganda spreading by his cyber troopers here in FB...that is why I have to be posting non stop to counter them...when Gerakan recovers Penang then I will look for you and give you my bill....(joke)
    12 hours ago ·  · 1

  • Asmah Karamin Askara Saham anwar dah jatuh....NILAI dah susut... :)
    12 hours ago ·  · 1

  • Rajesh Calais cute. :)
    12 hours ago ·  · 1

  • Fathorraman Abdul Aziz Anwar : Padan muka ko org kena tipu dgn aku wakakakaka
    Nik Aziz : Isle Isle

    12 hours ago ·  · 1

  • Rajesh Calais masalahnya nafsu beliau tak susut lagi.
    12 hours ago · 

  • Court Margaret Anwar is using the foreign media and reporters to help him to spread his propaganda knowing his Malaysian Cyber troopers is no longer able to convince and only know how to report to FB to get your posting taken down when they know we are exposing their lies one after another...
    11 hours ago · 

  • Court Margaret 
    The Pakatan Rakyat fans have been all excited since this morning, spending their office time, if they are working that is, tweeting and updating their Facebook that a certain Western journalist Roger Mitton has written a story in the Phnom Penh Times that Najib Tun Razak met Altantuya in Paris.

    Many young Malaysians, especially the brain fried Pakatan Rakyat supporters, have never heard of Roger Mitton but this former correspondent of the now defunct Asiaweek magazine has always dedicated himself to promoting Anwar.

    When he was in Kuala Lumnpur as a correspondent, this portal has been informed, Mitton was always in the company of the Dear Sodomist. His numerous apple polishing pieces of Anwar included “Power Play: When Will Anwar Succeed Mahathir” in the Oct 25, 1995 issue and “Asean Loses Critic Anwar” in the Sept 18, 1998 issue.

    You just have to do a search to find the long list of praises that Mitton has heaped on Anwar. He probably dreamed of Anwar at night.

    The failed journalist has now ended up working for a low circulation newspaper in Cambodia and is probably putting his bets on Anwar, hoping that Pakatan Rakyat will come into power and that he would get a media consultant job.

    In his latest venom, Mitton has claimed that Najib met Altantuya in Paris – the kind of spin you hear from psychos like Tian Chua.

    But Mitton should know better – show the evidence. That’s the cardinal rule of journalism. He has not been able to back his claim, relying on hear say to attack the PM.

    That’s not journalism but pure lies, in the same standard as Malaysiakini. He may have heard it from “his sources” – Tian Chua?

    Tian Chua, as many of us recalled, was once caught circulating a badly doctored picture of Najib and Altantuya.

    Although he was caught red-handed, he has amazingly managed to continue projecting himself as a righteous and principled PKR MP talking of the truth and accountability.

    Roger Mitton, show us the evidence, produce it! Allegations are easy. Show to the whole world the proof, then we will believe you – and not just the lapping dogs of Pakatan Rakyat.

    11 hours ago ·  · 1

  • David Yim Boon Leong Roger " Midden" ?
    11 hours ago · 

  • Court Margaret Roger is a GAY...
    11 hours ago ·  · 1

  • David Yim Boon Leong oic.....
    11 hours ago · 

  • Court Margaret Asiaweek journalist ...
    11 hours ago · 

  • Court Margaret see he even say the two police men rape the Mongolian woman but so far we never hear of such allegation so how far is this Gay liar....he also claims he know Razak Baginda as well but where is the prove that indeed Razak knows him that well ...with $$$$$$ today many is willing to assist in making up stories ....what more this Gay is a very close with our popular sex maniac of Malaysia ...
    11 hours ago ·  · 1

  • Rajesh Calais a leopard like Anwar can never change his spots.
    11 hours ago · 

  • Court Margaret Gay and Gay what you expect ...sure he will do as rewarded ....
    11 hours ago ·  · 1

  • David Yim Boon Leong HIV
    11 hours ago ·  · 3

  • Azimi Hasan Demi Rakyat....cakap ja..
    11 hours ago · 

  • Yin Dee Ann Ren Habislah dia jadi PM. Homosek dihalalkan dan pasti lagi ramai yang sokong dia akan dapat HIV
    10 hours ago · 

  • Cheah Leong Huat tolong!!!tolong!!!tolong!!!malaysia ada ramai penduduk yang bodoh tak sedar lagi ,tak ada hadapan lagi malaysia .siapa boleh talong?/
    10 hours ago · 

  • Labu Joe You are right court margaret, anuar sodom is the greatest swindler that malaysia have in history!
    10 hours ago · 

  • Lau Haw Mimg Anwar is hero in malaysia,
    9 hours ago · 

  • Ayirattil Oruvan Anwar as politician has delivered equally positive and negative impacts to the country. So don't simply make personal attacks or shower praises. Debate constructively ...
    9 hours ago ·  · 1

  • Rajesh Calais anwar is certainly a hero - hero of bisexuals and gays
    9 hours ago ·  · 1

  • Labu Joe Lau haw mimg how can you claim he is hero in malaysia provided he blatantly condem malaysia internationally..unless you is his gay partner..you fuck him or he fuck you..?
    9 hours ago · 

  • Ayirattil Oruvan Some 20 yrs ago, d Malay mentality was all abt Ketuanan Melayu oni. They aint bothered abt ISA, OSA, corruption, EO, rule of law, democracy or even clean, fair and just electoral process.
    9 hours ago · 

  • Ayirattil Oruvan But since Anwar came out from Umno and PKR , including its predecessor PKN, was established, Malays mentality has changed for good. Now Malays r toking abt just, fair, rule of law, good governance, anti-corruption stance, justice etc. It was a positive impact brought by Anwar revolutionary politics, whether u like him or not.
    9 hours ago ·  · 1

  • Ayirattil Oruvan If the country wana go 4 a change, real change, then d majority community must change. Anwar has played a major, vital, crucial and pivotal part in changing d Malays.
    9 hours ago · 

  • Ayirattil Oruvan However, like Najib, Anwar also has a lot of skeletons in his cupboard - sexual allegations, his unbreakable relationship with Azmin dat is breaking up PKR; condoning Azmin-engineered rigging of party election from start to finish until Zaid fled d party with scores of others.
    9 hours ago · 

  • Ayirattil Oruvan Once Anwar was unfriendly with local media. Dat was during his time in Umno, especially he became d DPM. He wud oni prefer 2 tok 2 foreign media. Local pressmen were always notshown respect by him. Wen ever local pressmen approach him for news, his immediate reaction "Arigato Gosaamas" ... Thank you very much bye in Japanese.
    9 hours ago · 

  • Ayirattil Oruvan Oni now he stands and tok 2 local pressmen.
    9 hours ago · 

  • Ayirattil Oruvan He was definitely involved in d temple - mosque dispute and subsequent rioting in Kampung Rawa, Penang on March 27, 1998.
    9 hours ago · 

  • Ayirattil Oruvan In Novermber 2008, Anwar told an international economy forum in Penang and also pressmen that Pakatan in all five states then - Penang, Kedah, Kelantan, Perak and Selangor, wud form a regional economic caucus to help out each others growth. But it nvr took off. Anwar failed here.
    9 hours ago · 

  • Abdul Halim Ahmad I believe everyone will jump once for a million they will sure jump a 100 times. Why not?
    9 hours ago · 

  • Labu Joe Hallo macha..anuar sodom says"poooodah!!"
    9 hours ago · 

  • Ayirattil Oruvan Anwar promised to save Kampung Buah Pala ... wat happened ? LGE sold d village to his crony Tan Kok Ping. LGE transfered d land title on Mac 27, 2008, exactly 10 years after Kg Rawa riot.
    9 hours ago ·  · 1

  • Ayirattil Oruvan Pakatan produced Buku Jingga but until today no Pakatan state governments f applied it.
    9 hours ago · 

  • Labu Joe So mr.thamby ayirattil oruvan, what is your conclusion about anuar sodom then?
    9 hours ago · 

  • Margaret Justice Chan Anwar image will be further tarnish when the video about his affair with his Deputy's wife hit the internet ...he is tainted to the core ....
    9 hours ago · 

  • Mca Jempol Grasp all, he will lose all at last!
    9 hours ago · 

  • Mamat Segan Bukanlah sukar sangat utk kita mengenal di antara orang2 yg bersifat munafik dgn orang yg bukan bersifat munafik.
    9 hours ago · 

  • Alan CK Dan Siapa Kata kan gays otak mu empat segi macam lembu. U orang kroni bn terus terang.
    9 hours ago · 

  • Ayirattil Oruvan Don't call me Tambi Mr Labu Joe, I'm not a young like y thought.
    8 hours ago · 

  • Ayirattil Oruvan I forgot another important episode Sept 16 takeover and d political uncertainty that came with it. Anwar was plotting a mass defection of MPs, which surely against democracy right !!!
    8 hours ago · 

  • Ayirattil Oruvan Whtr one like him or not, Malaysians somehow owe it to Anwar for forming Pakatan Rakyat as d alternate government in waiting. Whtr Pakatan is good or not is not d issue here. But d fact remains Anwar was d main inspiration 2 form an alternate two-tier political system, which is actually healthy and progressive for growth of democracy in Malaysia. For far too long we were fed up with d same one-party system, aren't we?
    8 hours ago · 

  • Lau Haw Mimg Labu joe,u know what is fuck for,u like fuck,not wanted yr name is labu joe,in chinese mean,u fuck yr mom.
    7 hours ago ·  · 1

  • Labu Joe How yeh haw mimg you are really annuar sodom partner..! Is jis angry bird big enough?
    4 hours ago · 

  • Lau Haw Mimg Jabu joe,will u like to join,gays partners ,
    8 minutes ago · 

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