Tuesday, June 19, 2012


So the present Selangor government is going to guarantee a fresh supply of mineral water to homes? Any solutions to the potential water shortage issue that is bound to happen with the dry season at hand that is forecast to end by September 2012?

Issue like this also cannot settle, I think you better step down gracefully and hand over the baton to Barisan Nasional. Selangorians and I seriously want to know if RAKYAT AKAN DIDAHULUKAN by Pakatan Rakyat government in Selangor.

    • Melissa L. Azmi Where they gonna get money for this? Liquidate more assets? Utter joke
      14 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Samu Vary oh oh
      14 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Fuad Omar Growing urban economies naturally create more demand for services. To become a top-20 liveable city in the world in parallel with its dynamic growth, Greater KL/KV will need to improve its water and sewerage systems to ensure adequate provision of services and amenities. In the area of water supply, this will be achieved by accelerating the development of water treatment facilities for Langat 2 Phases 1 and 2, which will be critical to meet demand beyond 2014. The Langat 2 project will increase capacity from the current level of 4,600 million litres per day to 6,700 million litres per day.

      http://etp.pemandu.gov.my/Greater_Kuala_Lumpur_Klang_Valley-@-Greater_Kuala_Lumpur-s-Klang_Valley.aspx ... Hence KLFD/Greater KL has been affected......Khalid will claim, this has nothing to do with us.....i.e 300 000 job and RM 190 B GNI by 2020 is at stake...
      14 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Megat Saiful Johar Stupid and unnecessarily populist proposal. Water is a valuable natural resource and people aren't known for wisely conserving it. Therefore it is important to "ration" water by putting it on the market, ie. pricing it. What a pathetic attempt to fish for votes.
      14 hours ago ·  · 3
    • Norazniza Abdul Karim What about their forum? Any outcome?
      14 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Sharina Bahrin yes ... cos treated water costs RM0.77/m3 whereas mineral water costs RM1 per 500ml ...
      14 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Sharina Bahrin i'm beginning to think noone can COUNT in PR ... CHROME.EXE TCP Outbound (stream) 64576 80 00:04:30 1.6 KB 2.8 KB
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      14 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Fuad Omar https://www.facebook.com/fuad.omar.716/posts/398512746856929 ... my involvement as govt officer way back in late 80s for the Selangor Water Demand Study under EPU..
      14 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Fitri Razak sampah kotor dekat shah alam salah UMNO
      air kotor dekat selangor salah UMNO
      jam omega anwar hilang salah UMNO
      peserta bersih rempuh barricade polis atas arahan anwar salah UMNO
      14 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Fuad Omar Water Resources Mgmt (including water supply) is a very big topic....technical, commercial & legal........but we narrow down to one simple basic question.....Can PR Govt guarantee the Rakyat, when we open our tap, the water is running, with all their crude and crook business plan and attack Federal Govt on this issue......as it is certain area, the tap has been dry for the last 3 days...
      14 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Norazniza Abdul Karim Can they? I don't think so
      13 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Fuad Omar Norazniza Abdul Karim.....dlm keadaan krisis skrg apa yg Khalid & Exconya boleh lakukan ialah jadi drebar lori tangki ayaq.....
      13 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Norazniza Abdul Karim Hehehhe uncle, depa ni lesen bwk lori pun xde. Harapkan bn gak bantu nanti bila keadaan darurat
      13 hours ago ·  · 4
    • Fuad Omar Our study forecast the water crisis will happen 2014 (base on the best available facts and figures more than 20 years ago & 3 years of Study)....but When Khalid took over in 2008, he is quite confident the crisis will only happen in 2019 (not sure how he got the numbers)....it seems both are wrong...it is happening much earlier...2012.....
      13 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Fuad Omar 
      Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, refuting the federal government’s claim that the state would have a water crisis by 2014. He said the state had consulted experts who looked at the population growth rate, water usage, and current supply capacity, and believed that there was enough supply until 2019. ..... Khalid


      “Let’s set aside our differences because the project is for the convenience of the people. Besides, it is fully funded by the federal government.”

      Based on the projection, Selangor is expected to face water shortage by 299 [million litres per day] from 2012.” .. Peter Chin...
      POPULATION growth and development certainly drives higher water consumption. In Selangor, when a water crisis will happen appears to depend on who you ask. But it appears that there is ...
      13 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Calleel Leel hoho...RC..r u kidding ? ...him stepping down ! ..wish Selangorians wud pull him down...n so his teamate...
      13 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Satu Suara No water? Sup sup suai le.. just blame it on UMNO.. Q.E.D.
      13 hours ago ·  · 4
    • Satu Suara Anway, they have no time for this petty petty things affecting the Rakyat.. there are more important things to do like this one... http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=%2F2012%2F6%2F16%2Fnation%2F11490032&sec=nation
      PETALING JAYA: A campaign by supporters of PKR deputy president Azmin Ali to ous...See More
      13 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Rajesh Calais so the rakyat needs in Selangor is secondary? mana boleh ini macam.
      13 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Calleel Leel SS...u bet....obviously....its their bad habbits...
      13 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Calleel Leel RC...they r too proud to beg from BN....
      13 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Satu Suara Eh Rajesh, kan dia orang pilihan rakyat Selangor sendiri.. takde permainan politik, mana ada kerajaan bagus macam Pakatan Rakyat?? So politik dulu lah.. Rakyat kemudian.. betul tak?
      13 hours ago ·  · 5
    • Norazniza Abdul Karim Hehehhe so khalid just like rafizi? Calculate using calculator only? Well, he need 2 buy a new culculator I guess ;)
      13 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Calleel Leel calculating his time i guess....failed state goverment...
      12 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Fitri Razak 

      anyone remember this?

      "Khalid had defended the allocation as acceptable and appropriate, pointing out that RM15 million was equal...See More
      12 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Satu Suara Calculate? You mean they know how to calculate? Wow...
      12 hours ago ·  · 3
    • Alang Sury Serious..up to that point they count..no wonder can't govern Selangor..they only know how to calculate...one plus one...
      11 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Rajesh Calais I think per bottle of Perrier Water is only RM1.00 in Pakatan Rakyat's eye. You mean to say that Selangor economic adviser (Anwar Ibrahim) is complaining of his RM1 allowance per month and don't want to do the job anymore.
      11 hours ago ·  · 3
    • Rajesh Calais So you pay peanuts and get monkeys.
      11 hours ago ·  · 4
    • Sharina Bahrin Fuad Omar ... they were talking about ground water, mining pools ... heavy metals??? water table (Highland Towers???)
      10 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Sharina Bahrin confirmed National Resources Water Study 2000
      10 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Sharina Bahrin actually 2000 - 2050 and it was passed up to TS Sam Black in 1998
      10 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Sharina Bahrin the danger is if Non-Revenue Water Target of 15% by 2020 is not met
      10 hours ago · 
    • Sharina Bahrin MORE danger that is, and free 20m3 does not encourage conservation. We purposely set the bands at 20m3 and 35m3 representing basic use of 150l/c/d and average use of 250l/c/d way back in 2000
      10 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Sharina Bahrin so you could say Pakatan haram's free 20m3 is IRRESPONSIBLE
      10 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Sharina Bahrin how to reduce NRW if not spending CAPEX to replace pipes? http://www.nst.com.my/nation/general/selangor-govt-in-deep-water-1.91096
      PUZZLING: It has only itself to blame for high non-revenue water, says state BN coordinator
      10 hours ago · 
    • Sharina Bahrin CHROME.EXE TCP Outbound (stream) 51948 443 00:00:08 3.1 KB 1.1 KB
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      10 hours ago · 
    • Orang Jitra another promise that will be broken
      10 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Rajesh Calais Or maybe now Anwar will throw back the baton to Khalid and say that he is just only stubborn.
      10 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Sharina Bahrin naah ... he'll throw up his arms and blame BN again!!!
      10 hours ago ·  · 3
    • Rajesh Calais Azmin Ali will be laughing now at Khalid. This is his chance to discredit Khalid.
      10 hours ago ·  · 3
    • Sharina Bahrin what's new ... CHROME.EXE TCP Outbound (stream) 52006 443 00:00:38 1.4 KB 1.2 KB
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      10 hours ago · 
    • Fuad Omar Sharina.....anything possible...but where is the Techno commercial Report.....Singapore go the extend of recycling ayaq jamban...but after serious lengthy study....not talk and talk...
      10 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Rajesh Calais Aku tunggu masa I buka pili air kat rumah and not a drop comes out, I assure you that I will go to Khalid Ibrahim house and camp there.
      10 hours ago ·  · 5
    • Fuad Omar 
      The First National Water Resources Study was done in 1980.....then followed by Sectoral Study....followed by individual Projects....Pahang Water Transfer was identified in the NWRS, and latter zoom down to specific Project in late 80s, where I was involved at EPU....masa tu Sam Black belum lagi boss kat EPU....1998 Water Crisis baru Sam Black in the picture...

      That is my question...hardly one year PR took over Selangor, within few months they conclude Selangor wont face water crisis in 2014, instead 2019.....how they do it.....perhaps they consult Ayah Pin the Sky Kingdom boss kot.....since it took Fed Govt nearly 30 years to decide the Pahang Water Transfer...
      10 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Fuad Omar Rajesh Calais...Org Beranang dah terkena....3 days paip kering....
      10 hours ago ·  · 3
    • Rajesh Calais Alamak. I will pantau the situation there. Thanks for info.
      8 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Sharina Bahrin Fuad Omar ... i was doing financial and economic aspects of NWRS 2000-2050 ... liaising with Dr Hasnol et al
      8 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Sharina Bahrin the 1998 study
      8 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Sharina Bahrin and Selangor Water Tariff Study 2000
      8 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Sharina Bahrin Thames recycle air jamban 7 kali ...'
      8 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Azezi Salus Thats what u get from rm1.00 salary economic adviser. A sure loser, . . . .
      7 hours ago ·  · 1
    • Satu Suara Negeri dibawah pemerintahan Pakatan ma.. mestilah ikut jejak Kelantan yang berpengalaman melebihi 10 tahun mengurus air .. kan? Air paip jadi teh tarik.. Ajaib!
      7 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Shamsuddin Hassan 
      Water should not be politicised at the expance of the rakyat.It is unfair as the rakyat are the ones who will suffer if the crisis deepens.Sect 1,2 and 3,Petaling Jaya which has about 10,000 over residents,is one of the oldest housing areas in Selangor being setup 57 years ago.Wenever used to have water disruption problem before.Water cut are very incovenient,especially for those with families to care for.It may be worse for Muslim during the coming fasting month and Hari Raya Celebration...
      5 hours ago ·  · 2
    • Fuad Omar 
      Shahrina...by 2 000 I am a semi retired man already....operate from bawah pokok, after enjoying my cushy office in govt & corporate sector....

      Thames strength is on Waste Water Mgmt...recycling ayarq acarq from River Thames...that's how they got its name....after Pas took over Kelantan, their first Mega Project is to privatised the Water Supply to Thames....and that is my first comment....Thames is good at Waste Water not Water Resource Mgmt.....the problem in Kelantan is source development i.e changing from ground water to surface water....not ayaq acarq problem..
      about an hour ago ·  · 1
    • Fuad Omar 
      Shahrina...just to compare notes.......I did some brief Financial Modelling on Water Supply.....without the WSIA...meaning State has to do from A to Z (old Schedule 9 of Federal Constitution)...the actual cost of water at the tap is about RM 5.00/ cu m....vis a visa avg of RM 1.20 we are paying now, with the following assumption>
      1 - A to Z mean from the dam, intakes, tunnels, treatment plant, piping, tanks, pumphouses etc etc i.e CAPEX
      2 - OPEX of 25% of the Revenue Stream.
      3 - Debt 70%, equity 30%
      4 - 30 years concession.
      5- Discounting Factor 8%.
      6- 6% interest on debt
      7 - DSCR of 1.4
      8 - Target IRR of 12%..

      With WSIA in place (we have been fighting for it since the first NWRS in 80s), Federal Govt thru PAAB absorb all the CAPEX...what we are paying is just the OPEX (off course the NRW)....and Khalid is trying to MENIPUlate all this facts and figures....am I right....
      about an hour ago ·  · 1
    • Sharina Bahrin 
      yes Fuad Omar. Had a proviso in the NWRS study reminding that the sunk cost CAPEX had not been included. Had come up with structure for funding those forgotten water assets, showed a Director where i was then he left for competitor and theytook on the job of creating SPAN cos i left (bored of pipes underground wanted to do pipes in the air). One of the issues with Federal taking over the CAPEX was the identification and valuation ... guess cleared oready ...
      10 minutes ago ·  · 1
    • Sharina Bahrin 
      i had suggested to TDM at CFO Conference 10/5/2005 that water be charged at Full Cost Recovery for developed states which could afford private funding cost (DSCR 1.25) but Development Expenditure be used for lower income states, water pricing as a tool to encourage development in lower income states, charged at Ability and Willingness to Pay. TDM answered "that's why lah you people, you want first class service but only want to pay third class rates!"
      5 minutes ago · 
    • Sharina Bahrin CHROME.EXE TCP Outbound (stream) 63234 443 00:04:41 47.4 KB 3.5 KB
      4 minutes ago · 
    • Fuad Omar Yes and before WSIA, funding is a problem since the asset is owned by the State Govt and were funded thru Federal Grants or Loans with has limitations.....and the worst part none of the State pays back their Federal Loan on Water Supply....so might as well Federal took over the Water Asset and also responsibility to develop and expand further CAPEX which are very costly..
      2 minutes ago · 

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