Thursday, March 29, 2012


Anwar as education minister went to great lengths to have Bahasa reinstated as the language of choice in educating the people of Malaysia.That decision has had far-reaching implication until today. We will each have our own thoughts on this but suffice to say that today Anwar seeks to distance himself from the decisions that he then made as education minister.So in 2009 Anwar and his PKR party lead by Tian Chua again went to great length to rally against PPSMI forcing the government to concede to their demand and hence the situation now...
· · · 21 hours ago

  • 7 people like this.
    • Aminah Hussein Similarly, Anwar (during the Mahathir administration) was the one that recommended that some Muslim words be barred from usage by non-muslims. Hence the Allah issue. Enough damage has been done here.
      21 hours ago · · 4
    • Ahmad Azizi Haji Ali Agree with m
      11 hours ago ·
    • Ahmad Azizi Haji Ali Agree with Margaret and aminah. People tends to forget abt it and blame the government coz they want to turn this course to be political
      11 hours ago ·
    • Margaret Justice I really pity many here who just do not see what will happen if they again do the same mistake again by trusting on certain people who can promise them the sun and the moon when they are the culprit that caused the situation today.....
      11 hours ago ·
    • Ahmad Azizi Haji Ali I believe some here just want to drag and influence PPSMI believer to turn against gov, not sincerely for PPSMI course
      10 hours ago · · 1
    • Margaret Justice Ahmad, this is just a front for political parties and if you taklk too much they BAN you how creditable are their comments and posting I doubt....Propaganda platform...
      10 hours ago ·
    • Khoo Gaik Cheng Am not sure if it is true but I was told (by an anti Pakatan person) that Anwar was the one who started using religion to gain popularity resulting in the current situation now
      10 hours ago · · 1
    • Tsng Ng I came on this platform on the second day of its formation - about 800 members then and have seen it grown to 175000. I have visited this platform regularly ever since. This is platform for PPSMI and is apolitical. There are BN and PR supporters in this site. There are many more people whose support lies in the agenda, agreeing to certain BN or PR policies and reject others of the same.

      I supported PR for its inclusiveness policy. However I do not think this coalition share the same ideal and definitely lack cohesiveness to rule. I have supported BN because we lack of a credible and cohesive opposition. I do not support certain party within the opposition coalition because of its narrow view and I think religion just like education ought to be disassociated with politics. I hated the the opposition for leading and heading the anti PPSMI rally, after after the issue was ignited by Khairy of BN.

      However in this case BN has the mandate to govern and so the responsibility on the demise of PPSMI rest with BN. For that I hated BN. So just to teach BN a lesson I am prepare to throw my votes to the opposition, unless BN reinstate PPSMI.

      You and anyone please do regard my passage above as just another propaganda (MY PROPAGANDA) - with sole purpose to put pressure on the power that be to reinstate PPSMI.

      My do not place my loyalty with any party, I champion only agenda. My agenda right now is for the reinstatement of PPSMI.
      10 hours ago · · 4
    • Margaret Justice you can judge yourself but those person are here now in this group spread propaganda ....
      10 hours ago ·
    • Margaret Justice My do not place my loyalty with any party, I champion only agenda. My agenda right now is for the reinstatement of PPSMI===GOOD that is what it should be ...NO POLITICAL influence to support whichever side...that is not the purpose of this group....
      10 hours ago ·
    • Tsng Ng My = I, sorry
      10 hours ago ·
    • Surain Kanaparan The Education Policy of a country should be apolitical. The influence of politics has messed up our education system. PPSMI vs MBMMBI is an example... lowering standards is another issue. We are not striving for excellence and quality but rather satisfying their own political agenda (whatever so it may be...)
      9 hours ago · · 2
    • Dino Yap Anwar is irrelevent in PPSMI. I hope this group can disengage Anwar from any discussion. He is no longer the person responsible in this issue.
      8 hours ago · · 1
    • Margaret Justice Anwar is the course of all the problems now everyone here is what I posted above...
      8 hours ago ·
    • Thong Yoke Leng MJ don't understand why you are harping on Anwar & Tian Chua...even if you are right and he's the cause of the PPSMI problem, can't the present Govt reverse or correct what he started? Don't tell me they are so scared of AI and TC!!! Just get the people in power to do the right thing now and stop the blame game..
      7 hours ago · · 2
    • Margaret Justice that is the truth isn't it ?
      7 hours ago ·
    • Thong Yoke Leng Does it matter if it is or not?
      7 hours ago ·
    • Surain Kanaparan lets move on... Dr.M established PPSMI and the govt. should have continued on with it....
      7 hours ago · · 3
    • Margaret Justice those days prior to using as the National Language as the language as choice the teachers were made up of chinese and indians as well but after the national language is use then the Teachers Training College trains mostly only Malays to take over and now to revert back what about those now under employment which are 90% malay qualified change back cannot be done over night and need another 5 to 10 years for a new batch ...see can it be done over night.....this is the whole problem now....the teachers are not qualified themselves in English ....
      7 hours ago ·
    • Margaret Justice that is why I am say don't shake the boat and let English remain the language of choice as those days ....see IN Singapore why no problem....and who started it....even Mahathir wants to have it reverted also cannot do it now as the teachers are not there ....even in Universities they cannot even speak proper English for many...see the lawyers in court for the recent case ....Ai Yo my time is standard 3 standard la they way they present to the court....
      7 hours ago ·
    • Surain Kanaparan Let me tell you DSAI introduced "Bahasa Malaysia Baku" (remember that). It is perfectly understandable his agenda was to elevate the Malay language but remember this before he was the Min of Education, the entire syllabus & teaching was in Malay too. Maths & Science was taught in BM during my era. But due to globalization Dr.M taught it was best to teach Science & Maths in English with no disrespect to contradictory views of elevating the standards of BM. BM is a is English. To elevate English, please elevate its standards !! English 1119 should be marked in Cambridge and not in Malaysia... then compare the improvements..
      6 hours ago · · 1
    • Looi Kwokwah I think we do have the numbers of teachers if all previous mission schools are converted to become SK Schools with English medium Education.
      The root of the problem is, the government just dont want SK English medium school to coexist with BM SK Schools. It is a political decision. I believe the same goes for ppmsi as an option too, the government just dont have the will and courage to execute it.
      Why must our children's interest be discriminated in favour of the demands of the majority?.............resulting in some of us having to spend more money for our children's education. If we want English medium education ; than our only option locally currently would be International school. Why should I pay more when I am paying income tax.
      Education in Malaysia is politics and its outcome will be determined by political landscape demand.
      6 hours ago via mobile ·
    • Seet Lai decision to change medium of instruction goes back when Mahatir was minister of education and changed MCE to SPM way before Annuar became education minister. Both now have accepted that English is the international language for both commerce and knowledge. the present education minister wants it changed back to pander to UMNO and for political milage and votes
      6 hours ago · · 3
    • Surain Kanaparan Mr. Looi, you would be surprised that the majority is in fact in favour of PPSMI. The Minister of Education has got his statistic wrong...!! The Govt has been misleading us by condoning to the smaller pressure groups. The problem with the majority is that they want to be passive and silent !!
      6 hours ago · · 3
    • Malathi Vasudevan A good leader is someone who recognises his/her mistakes and makes amendments. Tun M was one of the great leaders. He believed a common language (BM) could contribute to nation-building but it backfired as Eng was thought to be not important in education by public. Realising this Tun M wanted to reintroduce Eng but only managed to get PPSMI. If any leader that takes the lead in this country after the election has the sense to change the education system for better should be given a chance. Almost all the leaders in the past have made mistakes (as humans all do) so, instead of reminding ourselves about the past, look forward, ask and vote for politicians who can promise you betterment.
      6 hours ago · · 2
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Margaret Justice: DSAI was not the strongest proponent of Bahasa Malaysia in this country, he was a strong proponent yes, but he was not the strongest! Johore UMNO is and the downgrading of English language in Malaysia is mainly due to them opposing the use of English in schools and for official use.
      6 hours ago · · 2
    • Margaret Justice as long as I Know Anwar when he was the MOE he went to great length to bring Bahasa as the language of choice replacing English ....he was the one not UMNO or that time he also wanted to abolish chinese schools and there was a upheaven among the chinese ...
      6 hours ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Margaret Justice: That clearly shows that you do not know the extent of protests that came from UMNO Johor against the use of English language and your preferred and biased tendency to place the blame of most, if not all, problems of the past and the present in this country, on the shoulders of only one man, ie. DSAI.
      6 hours ago · · 2
    • Margaret Justice what have UMNO decision to do with his job as a Minister ....don't tell me he takes order from UMNO Johor only....he was the fanatic who wants Bahasa as priority for everything...I can remember my late husband telling me he is a fanatic and will create problem for the chinese and he was correct .....
      5 hours ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Margaret Justice: DSAI alone cannot make that policy go through and overall UMNO, the largest political party in the country, with the fanatical members of Johore UMNO loudly and aggressively voicing against the use of English language and with the backing of the Supreme Council members and UMNO divisions of all the states in the peninsula, were the force that brought that 'No-English in national schools and for Official Use' come through. Don't forget that DSAI was then also a member of UMNO and he was also a member of the supreme council. So, DSAI did take orders from his 'bosses' in UMNO then!
      5 hours ago · · 2
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Even now, the people who SHOUT the loudest against PPSMI and against the use of English language in the country, I repeat, against the use of English language in the country, are the people from UMNO!!!!
      5 hours ago · · 2
    • Margaret Justice not true at all it was Anwar who instigated everything inside UMNO and he is the one behind all that same as what he is doing now with Bersih etc
      4 hours ago ·
    • Margaret Justice UMNO is not against the use of English for PPSMI is Anwar and his gang until this day against PPSMI....
      4 hours ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Margaret Justice: You are out-of-touch with the news and events in the country! Please read the newspapers and watch the TV news.
      4 hours ago ·
    • Azizi Kamarudin if that is the case MJ, then who is the one who abolished PPSMI?
      4 hours ago ·
    • Margaret Justice Anwar
      4 hours ago ·
    • Tsng Ng ‎!?!? ...??!!
      4 hours ago · · 1
    • Azizi Kamarudin haha, how can an opposition leader abolish PPSMI? the power to abolish is in the hands of the education minister or the PM. heard of any UMNO ministers supporting PPSMI? does the education minister support PPSMI?
      4 hours ago · · 3
    • Rehanah Bhathal MJ, you are wrong. BM was introduced in schools before anwar became MOE. Please read the form 3 sejarah textbook for a clearer understanding.
      3 hours ago · · 2
    • Ezra Jalin Anwar was a MOE and a vice-president of UMNO during Mahathir's reign as PM until he was detained under ISA. Mahathir implemented PPSMI during his reign but Anwar insisted that BM should be the main language for Malaysian education and let's not forget that he also changed certain syllabus in textbook if you are to compare with the old ones which has more to speak, today's generation are street smart but not educational smart...
      3 hours ago ·
    • Tsng Ng No need to argue. Admittedly, Anwar is dead against PPSMI. But Muhyiddin was the person who abolished PPSMI in the year 2009. Period.
      3 hours ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Margaret Justice : It's confirmed that you are out of touch with the events in the country because you even answered a simple question wrongly.

      Azizi Kamarudin if that is the case MJ, then who is the one who abolished PPSMI?

      Margaret Justice Anwar

      Azizi Kamarudin haha, how can an opposition leader abolish PPSMI? the power to abolish is in the hands of the education minister or the PM. heard of any UMNO ministers supporting PPSMI? does the education minister support PPSMI?

      Margaret Justice, let me ask you another question: When was PPSMI abolished?

      Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh .....
      3 hours ago · · 1
    • Margaret Justice I being a housewife do not keep track of such issues but based on my recollection I am commenting....
      3 hours ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Margaret Justice Then, please check your facts first and make sure that they are correct or verify them first before you post them here otherwise you will only be posting rubbish here in FB and wasting everybody's time!
      3 hours ago · · 1
    • Margaret Justice to some is rubbish but to others are facts ....that is the truth that Anwar was the one who push his way to replace English with Bahasa as the language of choice go and check up first before you say I am wrong....
      3 hours ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Margaret Justice: How can they be facts when many here have proven that you wrong? Are you still ok or not?
      3 hours ago ·
    • Tsng Ng Shhh..... something is loose..... lets not bother.
      3 hours ago ·
    • Surain Kanaparan Yes admit it MJ... It was not DSAI ....
      3 hours ago ·
    • Tsng Ng almost hilarious.
      3 hours ago ·
    • Thong Yoke Leng spooky
      3 hours ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Tsng Ng: Maybe we should leave that poor old lady Margaret Justice alone, she doesn't even know what's really happening in the country. Pity, pity!!!
      3 hours ago · · 1
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Tsk, tsk ......
      3 hours ago ·
    • Margaret Justice I know that he was always on the news and wanting Bahasa to be the language for schools and also wanted to abolish chinese schools...
      3 hours ago ·
    • Margaret Justice Anwar as education minister went to great lengths to have Bahasa reinstated as the language of choice in educating the people of Malaysia.That decision has had far-reaching implication until today. We will each have our own thoughts on this but suffice to say that today Anwar seeks to distance himself from the decisions that he then made as education minister==check it up whether what I post is wrong....
      3 hours ago ·
    • Margaret Justice Surain..check it up and see if what I post is not correct....I know I am correct...
      3 hours ago ·
    • Looi Kwokwah Does it mean that if UMNO Johor is sink, there be better hope for PPMSI.
      If that is the case, we need to convince all Johoreans why PPMSI is important for their children's future. We need to have proPPMSI awareness campaigns and more parents engagement in Johor. If more parents in Johor demand for PPMSI.... there may be yet hope for a PPMSI ressurection.
      3 hours ago via mobile · · 2
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Dr Looi Kwokwah: Maybe, and this maybe is more on the positive side of retaining PPSMI!
      2 hours ago ·
    • Surain Kanaparan No.. let me correct you. In the early 70's English was the medium of teaching for most subjects. There was a transition in the late 70's changing all teachings (incl. text books) to BM. DSAI was not the Min of Edu then. In his tenure, he merely wanted to take BM to the next level ... ie a lingua franca of the region + all the other reason that so be. But in the 80's our standard of English was still respectable as we had good teachers then and we were exposed to English literature and sat for the foreign 1119 /121 papers. It is not the same today.
      2 hours ago · · 3
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Margaret Justice, what Surain Kanaparan said above.
      2 hours ago ·
    • Looi Kwokwah Most discerning and awakened parents would have made arrangement and send their children across the courseway for English medium education, that leaves rural parents which I think majority are malay parents with pockets of chinese parents who are already confortable with mother tongue education.
      2 hours ago via mobile ·
    • Ezra Jalin Agree with Surain Kanaparan! Teaching of English is not the same as today so by implenting BM as main language for education is totally high risk as rural people are left with proper facilities and proper English classes...If we want to see our future generation becoming future Steve Jobs (as said by Najib), we should take further step ahead by not neglecting English...
      2 hours ago ·
    • Ezra Jalin ‎*without
      2 hours ago ·
    • Surain Kanaparan I beg to differ on this Looi Kwokwah. Many parents from rural schools are in fact supportive of PPSMI. Chinese school still prefer mother tongue though !!
      2 hours ago ·
    • Tsng Ng Many Chinese prefer the discipline in Chinese schools, but they also want PPSMI.
      2 hours ago · · 1
    • Surain Kanaparan I agree Tsng. Discipline is better in chinese schools ... but in my son's school (Chinese) they opted for mother tongue instead.
      2 hours ago ·
    • Tsng Ng The parents or the school opted for m&s in chinese?
      2 hours ago ·
    • Surain Kanaparan Ahh.. they never gave us a chance.. the school decided on their own !!
      2 hours ago ·
    • Margaret Justice After May 13 we shifted to Singapore and only coming back occasional to see to our left over business since then so I do not follow in detail Malaysia news but I can recollect that Anwar was the one whom the news used to appear fighting for Bahasa as the official language for schools and government offices....
      2 hours ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim You are wrong Margaret Justice, can you please accept that?
      2 hours ago · · 2
    • Surain Kanaparan MJ.. I need to say that you posted a great topic for discussion.. Yes, your facts may be incorrect but nevertheless I sincerely appreciate your efforts and concern over this crisis even though you may not have schooling children ... Thanks for supporting PPSMI !!
      2 hours ago · · 2
    • Margaret Justice MY topic is simple and that is what I say..where is wrong....I don't think I am wrong....that is what I feel and what I know....
      2 hours ago ·
    • Emma Harith yup it was anwar..and now he's againts everything that he used to agree with..
      2 hours ago ·
    • Emma Harith when we talk about tian chua..
      2 hours ago ·
    • Emma Harith he is alway againts the gov...
      2 hours ago ·
    • Emma Harith why do u say MJ is wrong? which part is wrong?pls enlighten me..
      2 hours ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Margaret Justice: You must be senile already and what you think, what you feel and what you know about PPSMI are wrong! How many times must I tell you that?
      2 hours ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Emma Harith: Please read my posts above for the answer that you are looking for. Are you her daughter or a relative of hers?
      2 hours ago ·
    • Emma Harith what sense do u said those things to margaret..just bcos she does not agree wit u, is it?
      2 hours ago ·
    • Emma Harith Hussaini Abdul Karim Margaret Justice: DSAI was not the strongest proponent of Bahasa Malaysia in this country, he was a strong proponent yes, but he was not the strongest! Johore UMNO is and the downgrading of English language in Malaysia is mainly due to them opposing the use of English in schools and for official use.
      4 hours ago · Like · 2
      just bcos he's now in the opposition you can just ignore his 'contribution' during his tenure as umno/bn leader?
      2 hours ago ·
    • Surain Kanaparan Here we go again.....!! ??? ##
      2 hours ago ·
    • Raja Shuib Hassan I cant avoid making this comment. In this website it is important to be polite and cordial in making comment. Evreryone is entitled to make comments but there must be respectibility. Certain words should be avoided in the interest of goodwill
      2 hours ago · · 3
    • Emma Harith Hussaini Abdul Karim Margaret Justice: That clearly shows that you do not know the extent of protests that came from UMNO Johor against the use of English language and your preferred and biased tendency to place the blame of most, if not all, problems of the past and the present in this country, on the shoulders of only one man, ie. DSAI.
      4 hours ago · Like · 2
      why when it comes to anwar you are so defensive..after all u guys are blaming tun Mahathir for everything..but when we said it's anwar ibrahim fault, u run amok?
      about an hour ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Emma Harith: Have you read my posts above? If you haven't, please do so so that you will not ask me unnecessary questions and no, I did not say that she is wrong because she does not agree with me, I said that based on facts and what had actually happened.

      If you have read all my comments and all the comments made by others in this thread, you will not make this comment: just bcos he's now in the opposition you can just ignore his 'contribution' during his tenure as umno/bn leader?

      The excerpt you quoted above is only one of my comments, there are many more and in one, even Margaret Justice admitted her 'weakness'.
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith Im reading...that's why I said.. u are defending anwar....
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith he is the MOE and TPM and also at one time finance minister ...he's the one who is 'responsible' for the issue..why must defend him and put the blame on others...just bcos wants to 'clear' him now he's in the opposition
      about an hour ago ·
    • Tsng Ng Emma Harith, I suggest you go to the top of this thread, read everything then you are welcome to comment. Read Azizi Kamarudding question to MJ especially.
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith question to HAK is simple...why must he defend anwar...just bcos now anwar is an opposition...
      about an hour ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Again, Emma Harith, you have made a wrong judgment. I was not on the defensive about Anwar, and neither was I trying to defend Anwar, I was making statements about Anwar, PPSMI and the English language, based on facts. For your information, I have no interest whatsoever about Anwar, as a person, as a politician nor as a leader of the opposition. I do not care whatever happens to him!

      From the comments you made, it does show that you either haven't read all my posts above or if you have read them, you do not understand what you have read.

      And, one more point, to make your understanding of the matters discussed here complete, you must read also the posts made by the others in this thread.

      You and Margaret Justice look like being in the same boat, both of you do not know the facts!
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith Yes u are..if you are not, u will be just in providing your answer..your answer are just to 'clear' anwar name about this PPSMi issue..which is very bad...u are double standard..
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith I understand perfectly well your argument, but unfortunately u are bias....only to clean anwar...
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith he's the minister during that time.. she should be blame too for this issue...
      about an hour ago ·
    • Margaret Justice Anwar as education minister went to great lengths to have Bahasa reinstated as the language of choice in educating the people of Malaysia.That decision has had far-reaching implication until today. We will each have our own thoughts on this but suffice to say that today Anwar seeks to distance himself from the decisions that he then made as education minister.So in 2009 Anwar and his PKR party lead by Tian Chua again went to great length to rally against PPSMI forcing the government to concede to their demand and hence the situation now..
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith i mean he...
      about an hour ago ·
    • Margaret Justice that is the issue I posted for comment....
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith no need to be so defensive and put the blame to others
      about an hour ago ·
    • Tsng Ng Somebody gave me some Panadol.... geez.
      about an hour ago · · 1
    • Margaret Justice it is a fact that he was the Education Minister and he went to great length to have Bahasa as the language of choice during his time.....that is the two issue ...
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith Hussaini Abdul Karim Margaret Justice: That clearly shows that you do not know the extent of protests that came from UMNO Johor against the use of English language and your preferred and biased tendency to place the blame of most, if not all, problems of the past and the present in this country, on the shoulders of only one man, ie. DSAI.
      4 hours ago · Like · 2
      You blame the PM when u feel that the current policy is 'no good' why cannot anwar being blame for his 'bad' decision?
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith when he is the minister, 'treat' the subject matter as when he was the minister...although now he's ini the opposition..
      about an hour ago · · 1
    • Raja Shuib Hassan i dont mind the arguments for or against, as long the protocol of respectability is maintained. Ultimately its the readers here who will judge who is right or wrong.
      about an hour ago · · 1
    • Raja Shuib Hassan It is good to see a healthy discussion
      about an hour ago · · 1
    • Emma Harith dont mix his past position with the current one, just because you are his 'ardent fan'...
      about an hour ago ·
    • Tsng Ng I blame Anwar for his stand against PPSMI, but I will vote for him if BN refuse to reinstate PPSMI. Reinstate PPSMI and I will consider voting for BN.
      about an hour ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Emma Harith: What benefit do I get by clearing Anwar's name. I am neither a politician nor am I a member of any political party in this country. Yes, I voted many times before and I only voted for candidates who, in my mind, can contribute to the community, people and the country, regardless of their race or which party they belong to.

      We have digressed from this topic very far already and let me ask you Emma, why are you making personal attacks on me. Have we met and did I offend you before? So, please discuss this topic intelligently and intellectually and please get all your facts right. Thank you.
      about an hour ago ·
    • Margaret Justice my posting is about him when he was the Minister of Education and that is the topic...but they just drag it out of context ...
      about an hour ago ·
    • Margaret Justice HAK, I have been following your argument but I know you are one sided and spin to cover up for Anwar ....admit it ...
      about an hour ago ·
    • Raja Shuib Hassan As the unofficial elected referee I hereby declare the score for this debate 0:0 :)
      about an hour ago · · 1
    • Emma Harith HAK..if you think that this is a personal attack im sorry about it...i dont attack you.. im 'attacking' your opinion of being so defensive of anwar.. that's all...
      about an hour ago · · 1
    • Margaret Justice Raja , read my posting and see is a simple one and is made complicated ....confine to my posting and that is when he was the Minister of Education....
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith you are not 'talking' abot the are just being defensive about anwar...although u know as the minister he holds the 'card' in making policy...but you are blaming others who are less 'influential' in making the policies
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith TN... its your are welcome to vote for anyone ...;-)
      about an hour ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Emma Harith: "You blame the PM when u feel that the current policy is 'no good' why cannot anwar being blame for his 'bad' decision?" Please show here when did I ever blame the PM for the 'current policy is 'no good,' and which PM are you referring to? I do not remember mentioning any PM's name here and much less, blaming any Malaysian PM here!
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith HAK..u did not blame it here in this posting...come on HAK...we are 'old timers' ..we have seen each others posting since the 'wall' time....
      about an hour ago ·
    • Raja Shuib Hassan the truth is which I do not want to tell you all here is that in 1974 in Federal House, I met the architect who is responsible for 'dismantling' the English language' and who later on after many years wanted to revive back the English language......but alas too late
      about an hour ago · · 2
    • Emma Harith u dont need to play 'spinning gasing' here just bcos u want to defend anwar and clear him from the PPSMI issue
      about an hour ago ·
    • Margaret Justice as long as I am concern I remember coming across media news hearing Anwar as DPM insisting that Bahasa must be the language for schools and Government departments and that is the course of what happens today with our poor command of English ....those days I can remember coming across my children's school books in English for all subjects except in Malay....
      about an hour ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Emma Harith: Who are you and what have you got against me?

      Let's confine the discussions in this thread to within this thread and to the specific subject matter only, please do not mix it with comments made in other threads when discussing other topics. The arguments may not tally.

      What difference is there between attacking a person and attacking his opinion as you said here: ""HAK..if you think that this is a personal attack im sorry about it...i dont attack you.. im 'attacking' your opinion of being so defensive of anwar.. that's all...".

      You see, "Emma Harith u dont need to play 'spinning gasing' here just bcos u want to defend anwar and clear him from the PPSMI issue"Isn't this a personal attack.

      Have we met and did I offend you before?
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith I dont have antthing againts u...
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith now u are being defensive againts me? why HAK? just bcos im 'attackibg' you standing about anwar you are acuusing me of having 'sumthing' againts u?
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith The difference abaou t attacking you personally is like ' HAK is bald and not good looking enough'...that is personal attack...but im attacking your opinion about anwar ' u are being defensive about anwar'...see the difference or not?...;-)
      about an hour ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Emma Harith Good, thank you and please confine the discussion to the subject discussed in this thread and how we can together overcome the problem. Let's put away anything that is personal here.

      Emma Harith now u are being defensive againts me? ???

      I did not accuse you, I was only asking you if you have something against me. These are two different things altogether!
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith then HAK..put anwar in a perspective of when he is the minister and not the opposition leader he is today....;-)
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith we start from there..
      about an hour ago ·
    • Dino Yap no point fighting over Anwar. ABAI remember guys.
      about an hour ago · · 1
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Guys, can someone here please help me tell this woman Emma Harith to restrict her comments to the subject matter only and not to digress into personal matters. I tried and I have given up trying because I seem to be unable to do so. Thank you.
      about an hour ago ·
    • Raja Shuib Hassan Shall all participants take a break now and have a coffeee before continuing the argument. I give 20 minutes break
      about an hour ago · · 2
    • Emma Harith HAK...personal matter? which one..pls enlighten me.. im merely explaining to u the different of personal attack and attacking your opinion...
      about an hour ago ·
    • Emma Harith Dear Raja...did i step on somebody's toe here?...;-)
      about an hour ago ·
    • Raja Shuib Hassan too many toes are being stepped here that I lost count of whose toes belong to whose feet?
      about an hour ago · · 2
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Emma Harith Emma Harith then HAK..put anwar in a perspective of when he is the minister and not the opposition leader he is today....;-) Ok then, let me ask you this question: Can Anwar alone when he was Minister of Education,change the Education Policy switching from English language to Bahasa Malaysia without the majority of the representative in Parliament including the then Prime Minister and the then cabinet ministers and others supporting him?

      What I understand all these while is, any policy whatsoever, either to change an old one or to introduce a new one, or even to amend an existing one, must be tabled in Parliament and needs at least two-third majority before it can be changed or a new one implemented or an existing one amended. Anyone disagree with me here?
      about an hour ago ·
    • Margaret Justice please remember that at that time Anwar is popular and most BN MP will just agree whatever he propose .... anwar buat banyak polisi salah masa dlm kabbinet tun m trusted him too much and he use it for his own political mileage to please the malay supporters and doing awat with English is for that purpose ....
      about an hour ago · · 1
    • Emma Harith agree with u MJ...remember the borang pink....that is one of anwar 'contribution' that flourish corruption in umno/bn...
      about an hour ago · · 1
    • Aminah Hussein Under the Mahathir regime, the late James Ongkili together with Anwar Ibrahim agreed that Christians cannot use the Allah word resulting in the infamous 1986 directive reinforcing the 1982 edict. But both have no basis in law.
      about an hour ago · · 1
    • Malathi Vasudevan Oh my...... If this helps........ When Tun Abdul Razak Hussein held the education portfolio in 1955, he streamlined primary schools into national system with Malay medium. The implementation was done by acting edu cation minister Aziz Ishak. Secondary schools were still in English medium then. After 1969 riot Tun Abdul Rahman Yaacob (minister of education then) announced that all gov sec school and gov aided schools would be in Malay Schools in Sabah & S'wak exempted. By the time Tun M became minister of education, Malay medium was already going on. Tun M saw the damage without Eng and decided to implement PPSMI at least.
      about an hour ago · · 2
    • Surain Kanaparan Thanks Malathi..
      59 minutes ago · · 2
    • Emma Harith Tun M understood about the importance of english...but remember...anwar was his 'anak emas' at that time...he trusted anwar too much....and let anwar handle few matters 'free hand'...which only shows the 'damage' later on...
      58 minutes ago · · 1
    • Emma Harith That is why ..when we are talking about english in our education system, we could not say that anwar is just a 'by the way' the implementation of the policy...
      57 minutes ago ·
    • Emma Harith Tun M try to rectify this matter...but unfortunately....being the malaysia opposition....our opposition will oppose the idea any way...
      56 minutes ago ·
    • Looi Kwokwah
      In the 5 years as Minister of Education from 1986 to 1991 Anuar Ibrahim has brought many pro malay innitiatives to our SK school. One notable change is, changing our national language from Bahasa Malaysia to become Bahasa Melayu.
      In 1998 An...See More
      54 minutes ago via mobile · · 1
    • Malathi Vasudevan Emma, every single politician has a dirty part and good part to play. Tun M did mention the retaliation he reveived from UMNO members when wanting to Eng. Anwar might be part of it, UMNO Johor could be part of it, now our current DPM is part of it.... some MPs are also part of it.... so there are many people involved.
      53 minutes ago · · 1
    • Emma Harith Thank you LK..that is very 'refreshing'...
      52 minutes ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim
      Emma Harith/Margaret Justice: Please answer my question, it's a straight forward question, do not deviate and I am not interested to hear your comments or your assumptions. I want only facts!

      Malathi Vasudevan is right. It was Abdul Rahma...See More
      52 minutes ago ·
    • Emma Harith
      HAK -->Looi Kwokwah In the 5 years as Minister of Education from 1986 to 1991 Anuar Ibrahim has brought many pro malay innitiatives to our SK school. One notable change is, changing our national language from Bahasa Malaysia to become Bahas...See More
      51 minutes ago ·
    • Emma Harith HAK ...face it...anwar is part of it...
      50 minutes ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Emma Harith: Please do not try too hide behind someone else's ass, just answer my question!
      50 minutes ago ·
    • Emma Harith not are asking me a question which you know the answer...why should i answer the thing that u also know?
      49 minutes ago ·
    • Emma Harith I dont see the merit in answering a question which you, yourself can answer...
      49 minutes ago ·
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim
      Emma Harith: I dont see the merit in answering a question which you, yourself can answer... Because you are afraid of the truth! Right?

      There were many rallies and protests against PPSMI and against the use of English language and there ...See More
      46 minutes ago ·
    • Emma Harith why should i afraid of the truth.. it is you who is afraid of the truth and try to 'hide' anwar ibrahim as one of the policy maker during his tenure in the gov...;-)
      45 minutes ago ·
    • Emma Harith HAK..are u sur..opposition or their supporter did not 'do ' any anti-PPSMI rally...let i remind you...pak samad said is one of them...and so is tian chua...;-)
      44 minutes ago ·
    • Emma Harith ‎*sure
      43 minutes ago ·
    • Emma Harith ‎'Not even a single one of them was conducted by any of the opposition people and/or their supporters!'--> pls counter check this fact...i dont think tian chua and a samad said is pro umno...;-)
      43 minutes ago ·
    • Seet Lai Hussaini Abdul Karim, i can answer the question, i was the first batch of students where everything was changed from English to Malay, i was the first year when MCE became SPM, it was in 1981 and Mahatir was Education minister. Annuar made it worse..
      37 minutes ago · · 2
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim Theirs was neither a protest nor a rally. In 'protest' I mean a demonstration.

      Emma Harith/Margaret Justice: I am against the abolishment of PPSMI, I want it reinstated now, if possible, are both of you with me or are both of you against me?
      34 minutes ago · · 1
    • Malathi Vasudevan
      Ok.... my limited memory says..... those days UMNO was has more influence and influenced by teachers. Anuar in wanting to get to the top of the ladder (as any politician would do) he joined teachers union and became their voice..... somethi...See More
      33 minutes ago · · 1
    • Emma Harith HAK..are u sure there's no demonstration by a samad said and tian chua on this issue...? ...;-)
      33 minutes ago · · 1
    • Seet Lai English was the medium of instruction for primary and secondary school from independence to 1981, my brother all studied in English. why use Malay and then change to English in University even up to today English is still medium of instruction? it doesnt make sense
      33 minutes ago · · 2
    • Emma Harith HAK.. im not againts you.. im just againts your attitude of 'clearing' anwar from the resposibility...when he was in the gov...
      32 minutes ago · · 3
    • Seet Lai well said Emma Harith
      31 minutes ago · · 2
    • Emma Harith Thank you SL...;-)
      31 minutes ago · · 1
    • Hussaini Abdul Karim I rest my case. Thank you everyone. As - Salaam. HAK
      24 minutes ago · · 2
    • Emma Harith wslam HAK...
      23 minutes ago · · 1
    • Raja Shuib Hassan and in the end, they all lived happily ever after....:)
      10 minutes ago · · 2
    • Emma Harith Raja Shuib Hassan and in the end, they all lived happily ever after....:)
      That is the beauty of being the end of the day ...we go minum kopi sama-sama..;-)
      9 minutes ago · · 1
    • Harold Angus I think Anwar has been out of government long enough NOT to be blamed for all the FLIP-FLOPs. It is the government that uses the authority given to it by voters to carry out policies for the long term benefits of the nation. Even if Tian Chua and his unmerry men stage a demo, why should the government and the MoE sway like some chicken little?
      8 minutes ago ·
    • Emma Harith HA... we are 'talking' about the policy that was implemented during the time anwar in the whether you like it or not, that is something that u, as an opposition supporter hve to achknowledge...;-)
      7 minutes ago ·
    • Margaret Justice Thank you everyone for taking part in my heart feelings as this is our humble opinion on this issue of why English was taken off and replace by Bahasa Melayu ....I might not be 100% accurate as I have been staying abroad and in and out of the country those years but that is what I see from my side ...Anwar is the cost and I still maintain that stand....
      7 minutes ago · · 1
    • Raja Shuib Hassan HA....plssssssss dont! We have just completed this marathon of a discussion and even FIFA referees need a break too
      7 minutes ago · · 1
    • Emma Harith Raja....hahahhahahhha...;-)..phewittttttt...
      6 minutes ago ·
    • Harold Angus rsh...hahaha ok lah. I thot I came off the substitute's bench!
      5 minutes ago · · 1
    • Raja Shuib Hassan ‎* Girls don't whistle to old men!*
      4 minutes ago · · 1
    • Raja Shuib Hassan nanti heart attack for all the golden oldies
      4 minutes ago ·
    • Harold Angus rsh...must be that photo circa 1970?
      4 minutes ago ·
    • Norazniza Abdul Karim Mr. Raja Shuib old? i thot u r still young
      3 minutes ago · · 2
    • Emma Harith Sorry uncle more phewiittt to u...;-)
      3 minutes ago ·
    • Seet Lai the problem is the reason given for revertion back to teaching in Malay is that the rural areas are not catching u with urban areas, so to solve the problem , everyone goes back to kampong standards, it like football, all juara kampong whereas the nations go globalised
      3 minutes ago ·
    • Raja Shuib Hassan yes..that pic was when I was 20 years old (still a virgin)hehe
      3 minutes ago · · 1
    • Norazniza Abdul Karim not that old rite?
      3 minutes ago · · 1
    • Raja Shuib Hassan lorrr the pic is black n white and the pose was the 70s pose
      2 minutes ago · · 1
    • Harold Angus rsh...thank fb for some silent admirers!
      about a minute ago · · 1
    • Emma Harith my opinion there's always a solution...english and BM can always be hand in hand....just like mother speak in BM and father speak in english...;-)
      about a minute ago ·
    • Raja Shuib Hassan but i think im still better looking than Azizi now or before
      about a minute ago ·
    • Emma Harith uncle raja.. u mean uncle azizi satar...?
      about a minute ago ·
    • Raja Shuib Hassan EH....pls dont start it yet... give me a kit kat break
      a few seconds ago ·
    • Raja Shuib Hassan lorr azizi kamaruddin?
      a few seconds ago ·
    • Emma Harith baik uncle Raja....emma senyap...
      a few seconds ago ·

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